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Volume 12, Number 1 July 2003
The Christian Science Standard


The leaven of Truth: "Did not this parable point a moral with
a prophecy, foretelling the second appearing in the flesh of the Christ, Truth, hidden in sacred secrecy from the visible world?"
Science and Health, p. 118

This issue is a compilation of excerpts from The Bible, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, The Christian Science Standard, and the
Christian Science Seminar (Class) Notes.


Behind the World’s Agitation

". . . the momentous questions that are now agitating the world" are those questions relating to the second coming of Christ and the place of Mary Baker Eddy in Scriptural prophecy.


The Second Coming of Christ

         QUESTION: — Since Christ has come the second time, why has this fact not been more widely recognized and proclaimed?

         QUESTION: — How important is it to Christendom, and to you individually, that Christ’s second coming is here and now? Is it of minor importance so that you spend but little time in contemplation and meditation?

         This lack of knowledge in Christendom today, means the darkening of the spiritual night around us. If the gloom can be dissipated by the coming of Christ, if Christ has commanded us to look, to watch, to be ready in any hour for his coming, then that coming is of preeminent interest. Its relation to the circumstances and events of the present time are such that no Christian can dare even for a moment to be indifferent to it.


         Mary Baker Eddy placed a notice in The Christian Science Journal of August, 1890 (Vol. VIII, p. 193), in which she speaks of "the momentous questions that are now agitating the world." Our world today is in an even greater state of ferment and agitation than ever before with no apparent solutions. Did Mrs. Eddy give any indication as to the nature of these "momentous questions"? The notice reads:

Mr. Editor: — The late articles referring to me in July issue of the JOURNAL, contain presentiments that I object to having uttered or written now in regard to myself. God alone appoints the befitting path and place for each of His children; and mankind should wait on Him, and let the ages declare judgment. It is my impression that at least a half century will pass away before man is permitted to render his public verdict on some of the momentous questions that are now agitating the world.

         The very real, but unrecognized questions agitating the world in this endtime are not those issues and events reported in the press. Rather, they are those questions relating to the second coming of Christ and the place of Mrs. Eddy in Scriptural prophecy. Jesus said that at the endtime "ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. . . . And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. . . . But he that shall endure unto the end, shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matt. 24:6, 7, 10, 13, 14)

         A year after Mrs. Eddy’s notice in the Journal, Charles A. L. Totten (First Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, U. S. Army; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Yale University), a noted authority and writer on chronologic prophecy, published a book titled The King’s Daughter, which contained a prophecy of the Second Advent. So well does Lt. Totten describe the fulfilling of the mission of the Second Advent, and so authoritative and essential is this prophecy, that Judge Septimus J. Hanna, C.S.D., quoted the full eleven-page text in closing chapters of his Reminiscences of Mary Baker Eddy. Totten’s prophecies go well beyond the 1943 official article, "Mrs. Eddy’s Place."


         Although Lt. Totten was never a Christian Scientist, Mrs. Eddy gave this prophecy both Scriptural and scientific authenticity in her article titled "The Second Advent" (Essays and Bible Lessons Ascribed to Mary Baker Eddy; i.e., Carpenter "Red Book" page 47) where she certifies:

C.A.L. Totten, U.S.A., in his excellent work The King’s Daughter, writes, "It was the creation of womanhood that completed the equation which even yet we have not fully solved." His prophecies are grounded in Science. They reiterate the sacred Scriptural records and the logical syllogisms in Science and Health where the demonstration of being starts with the manhood of being and rises to womanhood as the Christ idea . . .

         The prophecy of Lt. Totten was reprinted in full in the April 1991 Standard. As explained therein, the prophecy was written as if in a code, or a "parable," and most people do not understand it. It does need to be understood, however, in order to see how Judge Hanna, and many other early students of Christian Science, as well as Mrs. Eddy, viewed the Second Advent and Mrs. Eddy’s place, at the turn of the century. To this end the prophecy bears repeating and extracts from it follow, along with an interpretation of what seems "dark" and "hidden," — presented from the viewpoint of the Hanna school of Christian Science teaching. Some references having a bearing on the extracts are first quoted here.

         Generic man is thought of as "collective man," or "mankind in general." In Genesis 3:20 we read: "And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." So, generic man is considered by many to be the human race as descended from "the mother of all living," — the sons and daughters of Adam.

         In contrast to this, Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: "The woman in the Apocalypse symbolizes generic man, the spiritual idea of God [Christ]; . . ." (561:22-23) This is the scientific sense of the term "generic man." Mrs. Eddy explains "the spiritual idea" thus: "The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but ‘of his kingdom there shall be no end,’ for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, finally — with divine Science. This immaculate idea, represented first by man [Christ Jesus] and, according to the Revelator, last by woman [Mary Baker Eddy], will baptize with fire; . . ." (565:13-20)

         In the book of Revelation John states: "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: . . ." (Rev. 21:9-11)

         Writing further on this subject, Mrs. Eddy states: "The Lamb’s wife presents the unity of male and female as no longer two wedded individuals, but as two individual natures in one; and this compounded spiritual individuality reflects God as Father-Mother, not as a corporeal being. In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no impediment to eternal bliss, — to the perfectibility of God’s creation." (S&H 577:4)

The truth . . . has placed within [our] hands the most potent key there is, and if [we] employ it wisely it will open up the true philosophy of all that is taking place among the nations. The way to study current events is to view them through this lens. . . . From now on, the whole period, no matter upon what scale of time we measure it, will be crowded with startling events of every description. It is useless to specify. All we can say, and that with due solemnity, is: "Watch!" for none but watchers can be "prepared," and even they will be taken unaware by the Great Event whose actual date no man on earth can possibly foresee.

         One cannot help but be impressed with the grandeur Totten feels regarding the "Great Event." In understanding this, one has "the most potent key there is" to understand what "is taking place among the nations. The way to study current events is through this lens." But he foresees the second coming as occurring in a form that will be difficult to recognize and cautions his readers to "watch," as did the five wise virgins in the parable given by Jesus, for if they do not they will miss the "Great Event."

Let it be remembered, however, that the teaching of the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins implies that the coming of the Bridegroom takes place some time during this brief period of lamp-trimming, now already as we believe begun. Our lamps are our Bibles, even the two Testaments; for unless God’s Word be a Lamp unto our feet, how shall we haste to Him whose name is verily ‘The Word of God!’ The ‘oil’ is in itself. It is Faith, and is of Grace. It only saves! . . .

It is a noticeable fact that there is no mention of the Bride in this parable! Nevertheless the Spirit and the Bride say, Come! and we may be confident that when the Lord appears the Lady will be here to meet him! For herein is the Mystery of Mysteries, and the chief surprise of the five Virgins who are to be her Bridesmaids!

         While the five wise virgins are trimming their lamps the Bridegroom (Christ Jesus) comes. Totten points out that there is a reason why there is no mention of the Bride (Mrs. Eddy) in this parable of the ten bridesmaids. Only the Groom (Christ Jesus) appears, but the Lady (Mrs. Eddy) is there to meet him, and is only visible to the five wise virgins who have been doing their lamp trimming — studying their Bibles (together with the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health). It is only by spiritual light that the representative of the second coming (Mrs. Eddy) will be recognized and accepted, Totten indicates here. He says, "For herein is the Mystery of Mysteries, and the chief surprise of the five Virgins" (they were expecting a man at the second coming, and behold, here is a woman instead!). The Mystery of Mysteries is why could they not see the Bride? She was there to meet the Groom and they could not see her! Even today they cannot see her! It is still the Mystery of Mysteries! They cannot see Womanhood in "the fulness of Christ." So they are expecting a man only.

It is impossible to contemplate the fulness of Christ without taking into due consideration His Bride and Counterpart; and as one of the most familiar, it is hopeless to attempt the solution of the problem of Humanity by limiting ourselves to the analysis of Manhood only.

Before the creation of Eve not even angels could have formed any conception of the Divine intentions. It was the creation of Womanhood that completed the equation, which even yet we have not fully solved. [NOTE: This is the sentence quoted by Mrs. Eddy.]

         Totten here explains why there is a "chief surprise" for the Bridesmaids. It is because "the fulness of Christ" had been contemplated "without taking into due consideration His Bride and Counterpart" (which was all the time divinely intended to be a woman). Although these are "wise" virgins, they had thought to "attempt the solution of the problem of Humanity by limiting [themselves and the fulness of Christ] to the analysis of Manhood only."

         There had been a time, "before the creation of Eve," when there was only Manhood; and that was all that was contemplated; it was all that thought could conceive of at that time. Not even the angels could conceive of the Divine intentions. But when Womanhood was eventually presented to thought, that is, when Eve was created, "the problem of Humanity" was on the way to solution. While the creation of Womanhood "completed the equation" yet it was not fully solved. The solution lay in being able to recognize Womanhood as necessary in completing the equation of the "fulness of Christ." Even the five wise Bridesmaids had some difficulty with this. And while the "Lady" (Mrs. Eddy) was there to meet her "Lord," (Christ Jesus) she is not mentioned in the parable because Humanity could not quite accept this. "Not even the angels could have formed any conception of the Divine intentions" to complete the fulness of Christ with Woman.

In their plainest literal sense, and in a far deeper spiritual one, these double types are always male and female, part and counterpart, Lord and Lady, Bride and Groom. They have been joined by God from the beginning, and it is certain that no man may put them asunder. This is not a question of marrying and giving in marriage, for it pertains to matters superior to all possibility of permanent divorce, and all who are accounted worthy to attain unto the Dispensation now at hand will be Two in One by virtue of the very Philosophy of Creation.

But we may pass beyond the Gates of Eden to penetrate to its central precincts without losing this supreme conception. When, at his creation, Adam stood alone, a dual being though he knew it not! — in the midst of the garden, behold two Trees, the one of Life, the other of Knowledge.

The fruit of the latter, however, was not for that Dispensation, and we may be sure its prohibition was a blessing, even as the trespass of our progenitors hath wrought persistent harm. Nevertheless there was a significant fitness even in the way whereby this trespass came about. For of the two trees, the fruit of the forbidden one was the promise of "Beauty" rather than of "Strength," and it was Eve, the type thereof, who plucked its fruit!

         What Totten is developing here is that while these "double types are always male and female, part and counterpart, Lord and Lady, Bride and Groom," the Manhood and Womanhood which make up "the fulness of Christ" have been "joined of God from the beginning." So this Bride (Mrs. Eddy) and Groom (Christ Jesus) were not united by means of a marriage of two persons. Their union was "superior to all possibility of permanent divorce." That is, their union was in fact "Two in One," (Christ Jesus and Mrs. Eddy existing in one entity). And this is "the very philosophy of Creation," for "all who are accounted worthy to attain" this Dispensation (that is, to be a part of the Great Event known as the second coming) must recognize himself/herself as also "Two in One."

         Totten then goes on to explain that if we go into the Garden of Eden and observe Adam we see that at his creation he was a "dual being." Two in one. He did not, however, know this. His duality was illustrated by the two trees in the midst of the Garden — one of "Life," the other of "Knowledge." The fruit of the Tree of "Knowledge" (Science), however was not for that Dispensation, but for a subsequent one. They were to eat from the Tree of "Life" at that Dispensation; the Tree of "Knowledge," or Science, would come at a later period. If plucked and eaten at that period of time it would be a knowledge of "good and evil" combined, and would lead to death, which has been the lot of the progeny of Adam and Eve.

         These two trees and their fruits represented the duality of manhood, and the fact that they related to two Dispensations. The Tree of "Knowledge" related to "Beauty" or the female element. Thus it was that Eve later "plucked its fruit"!

         The immediate consequence was their expulsion. They were excluded from access to both trees, and began at once to die. Yet at the fall of Eden the Cherubim were placed as living witnesses of what they left behind, and between them, still, doth God meet those who seek Him in their hearts.

         For even when the High Priest reached the Holiest of Holies and stood between the Cherubim that overshadowed the Shekinah, behold the type in purest gold, and beaten out of one piece, even as Adam and Eve, the "image" and the "likeness" of Jehovah, were originally made together, and, though cloven thereafter in twain, are still "one flesh forever!"

         Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, and "excluded from access to both trees," yet two cherubim were placed at the gate "as living witnesses of what they left behind" — i.e., the Tree of eternal "Life" and the Tree of "Knowledge." The two cherubim — two witnesses — are permanent reminders of these two trees: — "Life," Strength; "Knowledge" (Science), Beauty. These trees were represented in the dual nature of Adam, as well as in the two "living witnesses" placed at the Gate of Eden. Everyone who is to "regain the Paradise which lies beyond" must pass between these two witnesses, — Life Eternal, and Divine Science, — must recognize them and accept them in their manifestation in human history, in the earthly Advents of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy.

         The High Priest had to stand between these two cherubim, or two "living witnesses," when he reached the Holiest of Holies. Yet these two types of purest gold were made from one piece of gold. Even so Adam and Eve were made together; were one piece. Though at one point in the Garden, they were "cloven" or divided, the fact remains that they are "one flesh forever." That is, they were never really divided; not even in the Garden — though it seemed they were.

The Strength and Beauty of this fundamental Mystery is deeply concealed in Manhood and its better Counterpart; but the pearl of its chief interpretation is far too precious for exposure in the common market place of this Dispensation! whoso hath eyes, therefore, to see this, let him see; and if a voice speaks, let him who hath ears, wherewith to hear, perceive, and be discreet. . .

The Woman clothed in the Sun has been revealed in Heaven, and, if upon the Earth, is still veiled as a gem in its matrix until set and fashioned by the Master hand. She is the Anti-type of our Better, and the Glory of our Dual Nature, and will be found by those who seek her. Her name is Beauty, and she is Wisdom, the Companion of Strength; She is the Song of Solomon and the Daughter of the King!

         While it is difficult to grasp the fact that Adam and Eve never became divided, yet we must accept this in order to understand the Second Advent. This division of "Strength [Adam] and Beauty [Eve] is a fundamental Mystery," that is, it is difficult to comprehend, and for that reason it is "deeply concealed in Manhood [Christ Jesus] and its better Counterpart [Mrs. Eddy]; but the pearl of its chief interpretation is far too precious for exposure in the common market of this Dispensation!" He goes on to say in effect, if you can see what is being written here, then by all means accept it. If a voice from heaven speaks to you and opens your thinking to the deeply concealed mystery of the Second Advent, then listen.

         Although Totten knew nothing of Christian Science and Mrs. Eddy at that time, his calculations in chronologic prophecy told him the time had come for the second coming of Christ. So he writes: "It is Here — if thou canst bear it — but, in a manner that we wot not, hath it come." He is telling his readers that the Second Advent has arrived. He informs his readers that because it has come as a Woman few will recognize it. He goes on to say that "even as Eve was a surprise to Adam" when he woke up and found Eve at his side, so we today have a much greater surprise in store for us than Adam had in his discovery of Eve. It will require an awakening process. We must "awake, and see the Bridegroom [Christ Jesus] and the Bride [Mrs. Eddy]!" Christendom has been expecting the Second Advent to be the return of the man Jesus.

         The Second Advent is to be fulfilled in "The Woman clothed in the Sun" which "has been revealed in Heaven" but upon earth is still veiled — is a "Mystery." Totten uses the expression: "veiled as a gem in its matrix until set and fashioned by the Master hand." It will take time and patience, figuratively speaking, to grasp this spiritual fact, as that taken by a jeweler to gradually shape a gem into its final beauty and place it into a setting. As Adam awoke and found Eve, it will take humanity some time to awake to find Mrs. Eddy with Christ Jesus.

         "She [Mrs. Eddy] is the Anti-type [def.: ‘an individual that exhibits the essential features of an original’] of our Better [Christ], and the Glory of our Dual Nature, and will be found by those who seek her." This is quite contrary to the expectations of Christendom in its view of the second coming. It believes Christ Jesus is to appear with fanfare as a readily identifiable person. It is not thought that Christendom must seek him. But even though concealed in a mystery, "Her [Mrs. Eddy’s] name is Beauty, and she is Wisdom, the Companion of Strength [Christ Jesus]; She is the Song of Solomon and the Daughter of the King!"

But where may she be found? . . . Seek her in spirit and who shall say but that Her spirit shall seek thee! Yet know that the day of her manifestation hasteth, and that when the opened eyes of all Mankind behold Her they will see Him whom they pierced; for she is One with Him even as He is one with God.

When the morning stars sang together they were there, and in the same degree, begotten, they were One of old. The elders in the college of Inspiration called Her the "work mistress" of Him by whom all things were made, even of Christ, the Logos, for she is His Bride indeed.

         Totten tells his readers not to look for her in a geographical location, but to seek her in spirit. As this is done "the day of her manifestation" depends upon the awakening of individuals to comprehend the mystery of "Two in One." Until humanity is able to do this, "her manifestation" will be limited. They will not recognize her until they are able to understand that when the "eyes of all Mankind" are opened to see "Her [Mrs. Eddy] they will see Him [Christ Jesus] whom they pierced [on the cross]; for she [Mrs. Eddy] is One with Him [Christ Jesus]."

         "When the morning stars sang together they [Jesus and Mrs. Eddy] were there." That is, they have existed together throughout eternity. They exist from "of old" in the "same degree," for they have always been "One of old," begotten together.

         She (Mrs. Eddy) is "‘the work mistress’ of Him by whom all things were made." In John we read: "All things were made by him [Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy]; and without him was not anything made that was made." (John 1:3) In Science and Health we read: "The woman in the Apocalypse symbolizes generic man, the spiritual idea of God; . . ." (561:22-23) For she is the "work mistress." All things that were made are her handiwork, insofar as Christ is understood in the above reference in John.

But dost thou answer: "How can this thing be, and what is this thou sayest, for behold it is too dark, why speakest thou in parables?" The reply is: Search deeper into Truth. Thou canst not sound the depths of wisdom, nor canst thou scale the heights that crown her courts, yet thou canst sound, and scale, and according to thy stature thou shalt find.

Behold there is a new thing under the sun. For a Woman hath compassed a Man! [See Jer. 31:22] But consider now that of old it was the Man, Adam, that originally Compassed a Woman, — for was not Eve drawn from his side?

And what if God reverse the process! — shall anything be too hard for Jehovah? Surely if instead of taking a Woman-child from a man, He shall elect to draw a Man-child from a Woman he is able, and if so be he shall already have fulfilled that which he hath purposed of old, — for the last shall be first although the first shall still be last! — be not presumptuous with thy judgment until he taketh thee into his counsel!

         Totten anticipates the response to his "parable." "How can this thing be, and what is this thou sayest, for behold it is too dark, why speakest thou in parables?" His response is that the Second Advent will not manifest itself in the way Christendom has long believed. It can only be recognized as one searches "deeper into Truth." It can only be manifested as the result of spiritual light, not secular or academic wisdom. As he says, "Thou canst not sound the depths of wisdom, nor canst thou scale the heights that crown her courts, yet thou canst sound, and scale, and according to thy [spiritual] stature thou shalt find."

         We are experiencing "a new thing under the sun." Formerly Adam compassed Eve as a dual being. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries we have a process instituted of God, which is the reverse of the experience of Adam and Eve. We have a Woman compassing a man; that is, according to the Totten prophecy, Mrs. Eddy compassing Christ Jesus. Totten expresses the reluctance of the human mind to accept this: "How can this thing be, and what is this thou sayest, for behold it is too dark, why speakest thou in parables?"

         God has already "fulfilled that which He hath purposed of old, — for the last shall be first although the first shall still be last"! What God purposed for the last, that is, a woman compassing a man, is just as possible spiritually and humanly as the first, that is, Eve being taken from Adam. How many people accept that Eve was taken from Adam? Have they any difficulty in believing that? Why then is it so difficult to accept that Mrs. Eddy compasses Christ Jesus? Is this not a "momentous question," a "Mystery of Mysteries"?

         The "glorious appearing of the Lord" reveals Christ as having "two individual natures in one." (S&H 577:4) The scientific realization of this fact destroys the illusion that Eve was ever separated from Adam, and accordingly draws material history to a close (No and Yes 45:25-27) through understanding the "Woman clothed with the sun." (Rev. 12)


         "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." — Proverbs 25:2.

         In her 1890 Journal notice, previously quoted on page 2 of this Standard, Mrs. Eddy objected to "presentiments [perceptions; conceptions]. . . uttered or written [then] in regard to [herself];" that "mankind should wait on Him;" that it was her "impression that at least a half century would pass away before man is permitted [by whom?] to render his public verdict on some of the momentous questions that [were then and] are now agitating the world." Who imposed this prohibition? Obviously, God. Thereafter, whenever Mrs. Eddy was confronted to give a public statement concerning her place in prophecy, it is said she would side-step. This is consistent with her "impression" that God would not permit a public verdict for at least a half century. That prohibition period is now over. God now allows man to render his public verdict. What better authority for such rendering than the above Totten statement, validated by Mrs. Eddy herself?


         The greatest event in all history has now taken place. Christ has appeared in the flesh the second time.

         Science and Health states:

         "The impersonation of the spiritual idea [Christ] had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but ‘of his kingdom there shall be no end,’ for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, finally — with divine Science. This immaculate idea [Christ], represented first by man [Jesus] and, according to the Revelator, last by woman [Mary Baker Eddy], will baptize with fire; . . ." (S&H 565:13-20)

         Coming in the flesh the second time, Christ has come in the form of a woman, Mrs. Eddy. The second coming must be accepted in this form and recognized as spiritually fulfilling the prophecies of Scripture. "Woman is the highest species of man, . . ." (Un. 51:14) That is why the second coming was in the form of a woman.

         To realize the fact that Christ has come sounds the chorus of angels who sing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:14) The true followers of Christian Science know that Christ has come in the flesh in Mary Baker Eddy.

          The coming of Christ is of supreme importance. No other event or process is of as great importance. It is up to each Christian Scientist to reach that determination as to its importance. Our determination of this event — the second coming — must be elevated to reach the same determination as that given in the Bible.

         For instance, the moment we open the Bible we find in Adam a picture which anticipates the second coming, for St. Paul tells us that Adam "is the figure of him that was to come." (Rom. 5:14)

         The Apostle Jude tells us that Enoch, the seventh generation from Adam, and the first to transfigure, prophesies that the Lord is coming in glory at his Second Advent "with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds. . . ." (Jude 1:14-15) Christian Scientists must see Mrs. Eddy as the Christ idea with ten thousands of saints present to heal all manner of sickness and sin.

         Jacob had a vision of the splendor of the coming of Christ when, surrounded by the angelic host, the Lord God looked down from the height of the golden ladder. (Gen. 49:10; Gen. 28:12-14. See note "d" in Scofield, p. 42.) Do you see Mrs. Eddy as the one whom God has preordained and specially chosen to be His representative of the Christ?

         It is said that Moses saw the revelation of Christ in the burning bush, as the coming one, coming in triumph. Moses, the deliverer of his people, prefigured Christ the great deliverer. Do you see Mary Baker Eddy as the deliverer of America and Great Britain and the rest of the world from all evil in the end time?

          The book of Psalms is full of utterances of his coming and portraying the movement in heaven when the whole universe will be attuned to the music of his kingly descent. We must see Mrs. Eddy as a person of kingly and queenly authority.

         A writer on the subject of "The Coming of Christ" says that Isaiah spells it out in notes of seraphic splendor, and also in the announcement of earth’s response from exalted mountains, trembling earth and tossing seas. We are seeing this response today as the result of the coming of Mrs. Eddy, which is causing these things to happen in the world today.

         Ezekiel beheld Christ coming in the chariots of spiritual illumination and glory.

         Daniel in his visions of chronologic prophecy sets Christ in the center of ten thousand times ten thousand of shining angels, coming to take unto himself the crowns of all the kings of the earth, as King of kings, and Lord of lords. We must see Mrs. Eddy as Christ taking the crowns of all the kings and mighty potentates of the earth.

         The last utterance of the Old Testament, as it is of the New, is, that he is coming at the Second Advent with the Sun of righteousness arising with healing in his wings. We must recognize this as prophesying the second coming in the person of Mary Baker Eddy.

         When you open the New Testament you already hear sounds of the Second Advent before you hear the echoes of the first. (See Matt. 3; Scofield notes 1 and 2.) John the Baptist talks of the second coming in the rulership of Christ over the nations, not of the first. The gospel of the Son of God himself is taken up, not with his first coming, but with the second in the references to his kingdom. In parable and exhortation, before his disciples, before the multitude, and when arraigned before his judges, he talks of his coming again. On the eve of his departure from this world, he comforts his disciples with the thought that he is coming again to receive them unto himself.

         No sooner has he gone out of sight into heaven, than two angels come down with swift descent and hurried speech to tell the disciples as they gaze heavenward that this same Jesus shall come again.

         On the Day of Pentecost, Peter finds the emphasis of his power in the declaration that this Jesus who has been crucified, dead, buried, raised again, and ascended to the throne of the Highest, is coming from thence in the plenitude of his kingly power. (Acts 2)

         In writing his epistle to the Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul closes each chapter of both epistles with the declaration that the Lord, even the Son of God, is coming again.

         Peter, James and John join in the same testimony: Peter, that the appearing and glory of the Lord is the longing of his heart; James, that he who is the judge already stands at the door; and John, the Beloved, that the very hope of that coming so exercises his heart that he, as all who look for him, "purifieth himself, even as he is pure." So full is the Apostle John of this fact of the coming, that he devotes one whole book of twenty-two chapters to the description of it. Between portrayals of the most solemn import, he represents the Lord himself, ten times, crying down from heaven to the listening ears: "Behold, I come quickly;" and the last utterance from the unseen Holy, from the lips of the Son of God himself, is the masterful assurance that he is coming, surely coming.

         Christian Scientists desire to demonstrate the "Christ-healing" in their lives and in their work for others, but can they do this without recognizing that the Christ has come "in the flesh" the second time? And that that coming is in the person of Mary Baker Eddy? As the "woman-representative" (S&H 565:18-19) she is the equal of Jesus, the man-representative.

         The second coming, the greatest of all events — is mentioned from one end of the Bible to the other, in type and figure, in form and symbol, in open prophecy and in allusive utterance, in exhortation and discourse. It is mentioned in connection with every sublime promise; with the promise of likeness to Christ, satisfaction of soul, victory over death, victory over sin and Satan, and deliverance of the earth from the bondage of corruption.

         When the Apostle exhorts us to meet together on the Lord’s day and not to forsake by any means the assembling of ourselves together, he does so in view of the coming of the Lady. When he bids us break bread it is because we do show forth the Lord’s death till she comes. We are exhorted to love God, to love one another, to patience, to a holy life, to watchfulness, to Christian activity, to moderation, to abiding in Him, against judging one another, to steadfastness, to pastoral fidelity, to faithfulness in preaching, because she is coming.

         In fact, this coming is declared to be the central chord of all vital Christian life; and it is touched upon again and again by exhortation and illustration as the exalted incentive and unfailing impulse. It is said to be spoken of in one way or another in at least every twenty verses of the New Testament, and is thus above and beyond any other fact or doctrine of Scripture, preeminently predominant.

         To admit, as it must be admitted, that the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ has such a preeminence in Holy Scripture, that as to statement it easily outranks any other subject in the whole scale and scheme of revelation, and then to say that it is a matter of little or no importance and ought not to engage the serious attention of the devout student of the Word of God, is to be guilty of limitless illogic.

         What does it mean for us to recognize Mary Baker Eddy as the second coming in the flesh of the Christ? It means that her coming and the recognition of it will drive away the deepening spiritual night which is developing all around us; the spiritual gloom will be dissipated as we recognize her as the second coming.

         As we recognize Mrs. Eddy as the second coming of Jesus Christ, as we are commanded by the Bible to do — he commands us to watch for him and be ready at any hour for his appearance — it means the end of war and the reign of peace; so we should pray for this recognition to become universal in order to prevent contending armies from breaking and shattering into bloody wars. Her relation to the circumstances and events of the present hour are such that no Christian can dare, even for a moment, to be indifferent to it.

         This recognition of Mary Baker Eddy means your deliverance from the grave; it means your translation into immortality; it means your glad meeting and fellowship with those who have passed through the silent gates. You must be in a state of expectation and desire for this recognition and acceptance.

         This coming was to be without warning; then you have no time to spend in idle pleasure and careless indifference, not just because your individual well being and things would be at stake, but because of your fellow beings who have no awareness of their life in God and His Christ. For their sakes you should be up and doing, crying in their ears the gospel of peace, warning them that they have no time to waste.

         Christ as a living, visible, fleshly presence has come, and every closing day and breaking morning we must see her face and answer her call.

(S. C. Larkin Collection, author unknown)


         "There is only one Christ, and for Mrs. Eddy to be Christ as well as Jesus to be Christ, she has to encompass Jesus as indicated in Jeremiah 31:22, ‘for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.’ It is not Mrs. Eddy who presents herself as Christ, it is the motherhood of God that is revealing her as Christ and causes her to encompass, not displace, Jesus (reversing the Adam allegory of his division into two persons). With the Christ seen in this two-in-one aspect, the displacement factor is resolved, and the recognition of Mrs. Eddy as Christ could be published.


         "The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but ‘of his kingdom there shall be no end,’ for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, finally — with divine Science. This immaculate idea, represented first by man and, according to the Revelator, last by woman, will baptize with fire; and the fiery baptism will burn up the chaff of error with the fervent heat of Truth and Love, melting and purifying even the gold of human character." (Science and Health, p. 565)

         Dr. Alfred E. Baker, a former Quaker and a student of Mrs. Eddy, taught several obstetric courses in the Board of Education of The Mother Church. Dr. and Mrs. Baker were often called upon by Mrs. Eddy to give specific metaphysical support to the Movement. In one such instance Mrs. Eddy furnished Dr. Baker a text each day to use in his support work over a four-week period. One of these daily texts given him reads:

Mother is Christ Mary. Mother is God’s idea. Error has gone. God is made manifest. [Watches, Prayers, Arguments Given to Students By Mary Baker Eddy, Gilbert C. Carpenter, Jr., Editor. (Providence: The Carpenter Foundation, 1950) p. 54]

         Judge Septimus J. Hanna, C.S.D., appointed President of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College by Mrs. Eddy with life tenure, wrote a "Brief" (see publication list) in which he has this to say:

The clearer conception which I feel has come to me as the result of a more careful and systematic study of the Bible and our Leader’s writings on this subject has also given me an increased perception of the significance of Christ and Christmas, especially this verse:
As in blest Palestina’s hour,
So in our age,
‘Tis the same hand unfolds His power,
And writes the page.

         We must recognize the fact that Fatherhood and Motherhood are embraced within the Godhead. The expression of the Godhead then must include the male and female. Christ Jesus would not be a full expression of divine Principle if he did not reflect, in his character, the male and female.

         "[B]lest Palestina’s hour" refers to Christ Jesus; "our age" refers to Christ Mary. Since "‘Tis the same hand [both male and female, devoid of sex, – two individuals in one – that] unfolds His power and writes the page," then this "hand" must belong to the woman who wrote the book, and who "compasses a man." (Jer. 31:22) See pages 2-3 of this issue where Mrs. Eddy authenticates Totten’s prophecy of the woman encompassing the man.

         This verse that Hanna quotes must necessarily be interpreted together with the picture which accompanies it, "Christian Unity," showing hands joined, two in one ("‘Tis the same hand"). Then, the picture which follows, "Truth versus Error," portrays the Lamb’s wife, Christ Mary, the woman with the book, who is now two individuals in one individuality. (Science and Health, p. 577:4-8)

         This woman is the highest visible idea in our age and her name, Christ Mary, (the God-anointed and God-appointed, the known of God) is to be given to Christendom in accord with Mrs. Eddy’s prophecy. The new name reflects the compounded spiritual individuality of the Messiah. (Pulpit and Press, 22:9)


         When she [Mrs. Eddy] refers to herself as Christ Mary, is she not recognizing herself as the second representative of Christ? When Peter declared, "Thou art the Christ," he was acknowledging Jesus as Christ in the flesh, ‘the impersonation of the spiritual idea,’ — the first representative of Christ. This inspired recognition of Jesus as Christ was the foundation [the rock] of the Christian church; and in our day, it is the inspired recognition of Mary Baker Eddy as the second representative of Christ in the flesh that is the foundation [the rock] of the Christian Science church.

         We hold that the time has come for Mrs. Eddy to be recognized more completely in her spiritual identity as the second appearing of Christ.


         1 The Christian Science Standard, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2, 1993; 2 Christian Science Seminar (Class) Notes, Vol. 3, Day 3; 3 The Christian Science Standard, Vol. 5, No. 4, October 1, 1994; 4 The Christian Science Standard, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1, 1993; 5 The Christian Science Standard, Vol. 11, No. 1, September 2000.


The Second Coming of Christ


As evidence of the original position of Mrs. Eddy's church during its first half century, one of the First Readers in The Mother Church appointed by Mrs. Eddy in 1902, said:

"It is of first importance to see Mrs. Eddy rightly as the woman of prophecy referred to in the Apocalypse, as the one through whom the Comforter came, the second coming of Christ. Unless we see that this revelation came through Mrs. Eddy under divine inspiration, and see it as the inspired word of God, we are not seeing Christian Science rightly. Jesus and Mrs. Eddy are the two anointed ones and must be seen as such, just as Jesus in the flesh must be seen as the one who established the first coming of the Christ, back of whom was the divinely royal man, so Mrs. Eddy in the flesh must be seen as the one who established the second coming of the Christ, back of whom was the divinely royal woman, the God-crowned woman of the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse."


 "All the people need, in order to love and adopt Christian Science, is a true sense of its Founder. In proportion as they have it, will our Cause advance."

- We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, First Series, p. 40

 ". . . the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man. This goal is never reached while we . . . entertain a false estimate of anyone whom God has appointed to voice His Word. Again, without a correct sense of its highest visible idea, we can never understand the divine Principle."

- Science and Health, 560:13-19

". . . the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man."

- Jeremiah 31:22

"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth."

- Revelation 11: 3, 4

"Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth."

- Zechariah 4:11-14

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good."

- Genesis 1:16-18

"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel."

- Micah 5:2, 3

"As Elias presented the idea of the fatherhood of God, which Jesus afterwards manifested, so the Revelator completed this figure with woman, typifying the spiritual idea of God's motherhood."

- Science and Health, 562:3-7

"[Jesus'] parable of the 'leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened,' impels the inference that the spiritual leaven signifies the Science of Christ and its spiritual interpretation . . . .

"Did not this parable point a moral with a prophecy, foretelling the second appearing in the flesh of the Christ, Truth, hidden in sacred secrecy from the visible world?"

- Science and Health, 117:31-3, 6

"The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but 'of his kingdom there shall be no end,' for Christ, God's idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples - imperatively, absolutely, finally - with divine Science. This immaculate idea, represented first by man and, according to the Revelator, last by woman . . . ."

- Science and Health, 565:13-19

"But the beast bowed before the Lamb: it was supposed to have fought the manhood of God, that Jesus represented; but it fell before the womanhood of God, that presented the highest ideal of Love."

- Christian Healing, 10:5-8

"It is authentically said that one expositor of Daniel's dates fixed the year 1866 or 1867 for the return of Christ - the return of the spiritual idea to the material earth or antipode of heaven. It is a marked coincidence that those dates were the first two years of my discovery of Christian Science."

- Miscellany, 181:27

"Alertness to Duty. Article VIII, Sect. 6. It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind. By his works he shall be judged, - and justified or condemned."

- Church Manual, p. 42

"Our whole salvation rests upon the manner in which we treat her, since the Way comes to us through her and God demands that we love our neighbor by having the spiritual sense of our neighbor, by having the spiritual sense of our Teacher and Mother as God's idea that we must love and honor. . . . Our material sense of Mrs. Eddy is person or a personal sense, which is a dishonor to her and God, for God's idea of her is the spiritual sense of man; namely, the Way, the Truth, the Life, Christ, the spiritual sense of Love, of good, which is the divine Science of God and man."

- Course in Divinity and General Collectanea (Blue Book), p.100

Note: "The statements recorded by Mrs. Eddy's students were written down within a few moments after they were made . . ." pp. vii & viii.

"Attacks on the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science are attacks on the Cause itself. When will you see this, and stop these efforts of animal magnetism to destroy us? The students alone will be responsible if these demon schemes are not ended. Yet who will bear this cross? See Matt. 10:33 [But whosoever shall deny me before man, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.]"

- Blue Book, p.124

"You cannot suffer for defending me which is acceptable in God's sight . . . . You cannot love me too much. . . ."

- Blue Book, p. 89

"What is a way-shower? There is a human and a divine meaning. A way-shower is that which shows the way; it must be some thing or some one. Jesus was the Way-shower, the Christ with him, and if he had not been, where would we be? He showed the way as the masculine idea of Principle, then woman took it up at that point - the ascending thought in the scale - and is showing the way, thus representing the male and female Principle (the male and female of God's creating).

"Is there anything in the world of more importance than holding up the hands of the way-shower? No. If they had all done that with Jesus, we would be in the millennium."

- Blue Book, p. 23

"For the world to understand me in my true light, and life, would do more for our Cause than aught else could. This I learn from the fact that the enemy tries harder to hide these two things from the world than to win any other points. Also Jesus' life and character in their first appearing were treated in like manner. And I regret to see that loyal students are not more awake to this great demand in their measures to meet the enemies' tactics."

- Blue Book, p. 112

"When a student loses the true sense of me, and what I do, he is at the threshold of the plunge so many make into darkness, believing that darkness is a greater light."

- Blue Book, p. 184


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